The raven is a sacred bird in many traditions The raven is a teacher of magic and like the hawk was one of the creatures who re-created the world after the flood. It is said that the raven stole the sun, a reference to his love of bright things, but he is also a messenger of Great Spirit. As a guardian of sacred laws his appearance was regarded as a sign of coming change, and so he is a bird of transformation bringing new challenges.  
 The chi-ki team have accumulated a wealth of experience and knowledge , over the course of 2021 we hope to be running a series of events and workshops to pass on that knowledge:  Reiki For Life Course Details This comprises the essential teachings and training as an introduction to working with universal life force energy.  An introduction to Reiki, its history, and practical ways to bring this energy into your work.  Over the course each student  receives three  attunements, refining their energy channels thus enabling him or her to channel more energy for the purpose of self healing, or supporting healing in other people, plants, minerals and animals. Commitment 1 to 2  Days Teaching and Training and 21 days self healing Exchange £144 Certificate and Manual Provided CHi Ki Practitioner Course Details For Reiki second degree practitioners of any lineage comprises an introduction to chiki therapy. An attunment to the reiki like symbol chiki.  A refresher working with Reiki symbols.  Practical ways to bring this energy into your existing therapy work or practices.  Over the course each student  receives 3 chiki attunements, refining their energy channels thus enabling him or her to channel more energy for the purpose of self healing, or supporting healing in other people, plants, minerals and animals. Commitment 1 to 2  Days intensive training and 33 days self healing Exchange £222 Certificate and Manual Provided